Friday, August 1, 2008

Mista Sinista

I heard a few years back, when the whole downfall of "turntablism" and battling was happening, that Mista Sinista was getting into acting and had a gig on the WB (i think). It sounded like a logical step for the turntablist he was. But, that was the last I heard from him.

Anyway, here's a mix from 96 that was put out by Fat Beats with all street bangers. This was recorded at the X-men's/X-ecutioners peak, so plenty of juggling and doubles throughout the mix.

Side A

Side B

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big up digga...i lost this tape years ago...
this is one of the BEST tapes i EVER bought...
absolutely DOPE...
..thanks a lot